December 1st, National Records of Scotland, Edinburgh (UK)
Carlo Pirozzi has contributed to curating a new archive exhibition, ‘Family Portrait: The Scots Italians 1890 – 1940’, which opens on 1st December 2015 at National Records of Scotland, created in partnership with the Italian Consulate General of Italy in Scotland.
December, Santiago de Chile (Chile)
Margaret Hills de Zarate presents first results of fieldwork at the Universidad del Desarollo, Santiago de Chile.
November 28-29, BIM! Microfestival di Cultura Infantile, Cesena (ITALY)
Charles Burdett and Derek Ducan have been invited to deliver seminars at ‘Liberate Victor! tra teorie e pratiche dell’educazione libertaria nelle scuole’ Conference (BIM! MICROFESTIVAL DI CULTURA INFANTILE, 24-29 November 2015, Cesena (ITALY).
November 14th, 2015, Taiwan
Margaret Hills de Zarate presents a paper, ‘Transgenerational migration and the construction of identity’, and facilitate an experiential workshop at the Chinese Culture University Kaoshiung Education Centre in Taiwan.
October 30, Byre Theatre, St. Andrews (UK)
Jacopo Colombini introduces the first UK screening of Antonino Maggiore’s film: ‘3 ottobre 2013 – I giorni della tragedia’.
October 22nd, 2015, Kaunas (Lithuania)
Margaret Hills de Zarate presents a paper, Voice of the Object’, on her research with TLM at the Vilnius Academy of Art, Kaunas, Lithuania.
September 30, University of Exeter (UK)
Charles Burdett and Barbara Spadaro presents the TML project at Exeter’s Centre for Translating Cultures.
September 29, University of Oxford (UK)
CHAIR: Loredana Polezzi
Jacopo Colombini’s paper: ‘The Archivio Memorie Migranti. Questioning Italianness and constructing new shared memories’.
Georgia Wall’s paper: ‘Nostalgia and Italianità: A question of age’.
September 24 – 26, Centro Altreitalie, Turin (Italy)
Dr Margaret Hills de Zárate and Prof. Loredana Polezzi, from the TML team, present a talk on ‘Transnational Italian networks and transnational Italian studies’ at The 25th annual conference of the Association of European Migration Institutions (AEMI).
September 21-24, Warwick Venice Centre, University of Warwick Palazzo Pesaro-Papafava, Venice (Italy)
The first TML Summer School on ‘Transnational Italian Studies‘ is to be held in Venice, Palazzo Pesaro-Papafava.
September, Palermo (Italy)
Margaret Hills de Zarate presents ‘Things and the things we do with Them: translation, material culture and the construction of identity’ at the ECArTE International Conference at the Accademia di Belle Arti, Palermo, Sicily.
17 August, Sydney University, Australia
Barbara Spadaro gives an invited seminar for the Department of Arabic Languages and Cultures, Department of Italian Studies and Department of Hebrew and Biblical Studies, International and Comparative Literary Studies Program: Dwelling Memories, Shifting Repertoires: Images of Jewish Homes in Italian Narratives from Libya.
10-12 August, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Loredana Polezzi and Barbara Spadaro join the Forum Translating Pain: an International Forum on Language, Text and Suffering, co-sponsored by the Monash-Warwick Mobility, Translation and Identity Network, the Australian Centre for Jewish Civilisation and the Research Program in Global History.
July 15, Institute of Modern Languages Research, London (UK)
Charles Burdett, Derek Duncan and Loredana Polezzi will be speaking at this event. For more details see: What is Modern Languages Research
2-4 July, University of Cagliari, Italy
Charles Burdett, Jenny Burns and Barbara Spadaro present their work at ‘I conti col passato: l’Italia Repubblicana e l’eredità coloniale’, third SISSCO Seminar of the series ‘Colonialismo e Identità Nazionale: l’Oltremare tra Fascismo e Repubblica’, of which Charles Burdett is a member of the Scientific Committee. Derek Duncan is invited as Keynote speaker.
June 20, Sorrento (Italy)
Eliana Maestri (Warwick) presents the ‘Motherhood between Southern Italy and Australia in Anna Maria dell’Oso’s Songs of the Suitcase’ at the Canadian Society for Italian Studies Annual Conference.
15 June, IMLR, London
Seminar Women’s Memories and Politics of Belonging, organised by Barbara Spadaro and Eloisa Betti, for the Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory and the Centre for the Study of Contemporary Women’s Writing. Jennifer Burns acts as a discussant.
June 12, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh (UK)
Derek Duncan (St Andrews) and Margaret Hills de Zarate (QMU) organize the Second TML Workshop ‘Critical Cultural Translation: practice more than theory’.
June 11, Castlebrae Community High School and Drummond Community High School, Edinburgh (UK)
Visits to Castlebrae Community High School and Drummond Community High School to learn about art and translation. Orgazised by Derek Duncan.
June 6, Hong Kong
Marco Santello is part of the invited panel “Illusions and delusions of the centre within the framework of globalisation” at the conference Sociolinguistics of Globalization: (De)centring and (de)standardisation.
June, Ottersberg, Hamburg and Berlin (Germany)
Presentions of first findings at the Universities of Ottersberg, Hamburg and Berlin (Margaret Hills de Zarate).
May, Sandwell Arts Cafe, West Bromwich (UK)
The TML team at Warwick run a series of creative writing workshops for adults who are interested in exploring experiences of living between languages and cultures in creative writing. The workshops are led by the writer Shirin Ramzanali Fazel from the project’s advisory board.
April 22, Hull (UK)
Derek Duncan delivers the Garnett Rees Memorial Lecture at the University of Hull: ‘Visual Testimonies: Films from Lampedusa‘.
April 21, Birmingham (UK)
Marco Santello contributes to the e-seminar organised by Angela Creese and Adrian Blackledge as part of their AHRC ‘Translation and Translanguaging‘ project.
16-18 April, Birkbeck Institute of Humanities, London
First biannual conference Cultural Literacy in Europe, an initiative of which Loredana Polezzi (TML co-investigator) is a founding member. Barbara Spadaro gives the paper Travelling Memories: Transnational Trajectories of Italians from North Africa. As a result of the conference, the CLE core group produced the ‘London Statement’: Meeting the challenge of Cultural Literacy.
April 8, Warwick (UK)
Loredana Polezzi, Naomi Wells and Marco Santello from the project team are organising and taking part in a workshop on ‘ Language and Mobility/Language’s Mobility: Interdisciplinary Perspectives‘, organised as part of the iMean 4 conference on Language and Impact.
For more information on the workshop, please visit here.
March 22, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Margaret will travel to Argentina on the 22nd March to undertake the first stage of her research in Buenos Aires.
February 20, Warwick (UK)
The first TML workshop on ‘Linguistic and Cultural Interchange: Policies and Practices’ takes place at the University of Warwick. The event brings together policy-makers, practitioners and leading experts to discuss sites and practices of cultural and linguistic exchange in relation to mobility.
February 12, British Academy (London)
Barbara Spadaro gives the lecture ‘Italians from Libya: Exploring Memories, Writing New Histories’ – Society for Libyan Studies Lectures series.
New publication: Hills de Zarate, M. (2015) ‘Die Madeleine, die Erinnerung und das zufällige Denkmal’ in G. Schmid and P. Sinapius (eds.) Artistic Research in the Applied Arts, Hamburg, Potsdam Berlin University Press.
January 8-10, Edinburgh (UK)
Jacopo Colombini attended ‘First Edinburgh Conference in Critical Migration and Border Studies. Politics, Practices, and Discourses of Mobility’ at the University of Edinburgh.