Migrant Marketplaces: Consuming Italian Ethnic Identities, 1880-1940

27 Jan 2016, by cp14603 in Uncategorized

Elizabeth Zanoni is Assistant Professor of History at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia and the 2015/2016 Culinaria Research Project Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Historical and Cultural Studies at University of Toronto Scarborough. She is interested in the history of international migration, gender, and consumption, and the interdisciplinary fields of food and mobility studies.  Some of her publications include “‘Per Voi, Signore’: Gendered Representations of Fashion, Food, and Fascism in Il Progresso Italo-Americano during the 1930s” in the Journal of American Ethnic History (Spring 2012); “Transitions in Gender Ratios among International Migrants, 1820-1930,” with Donna Gabaccia in Social Science History (Summer 2012); and an article on Italian transnational consumption in Making Italian America: Consumer Culture and the Production of Ethnic Identities (Fordham University Press) edited by Simone Cinotto.

Her current project, Migrant Marketplaces of the Americas: Migration and Trade between Italy, the United States, and Argentina, 1880-1940, examines linkages between Italian migration and Italian trade goods, particularly food products, during the age of mass migration.  The book tackles questions about how migrants form identities and culinary practices around foods from their homelands, and how in turn migrant food cultures transform global trade routes and meanings of “ethnic food”.





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