Workshop – Linguistic and Cultural Interchange: Policies and Practices

03 Feb 2015, by cp14603 in News

image for workshop 1Linguistic and Cultural Interchange: Policies and Practices

University of Warwick Campus – Room LIB 2

20 February 2015

The first workshop of the project invites both local and international policy-makers, practitioners and leading experts to discuss the activities that local communities, institutions and universities undertake to manage and understand contact zones. 

The aim is to map issues that involve the management of cultural and linguistic interchange in relation to mobility. Implications of these initiatives for local, national and international policy, as well as the applications of research within Modern Languages, will also be addressed.

All are welcome and attendance is free of charge but space is limited. To register for the event or for further information please contact Naomi Wells ( by Thursday 12 February 2015. 

The full programme for the day can be found here


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